Important update TRICLOSAN

4 June 2018


Contitech Fortress 300- 1000 – 1200 hose products have been using TRICLOSAN (CAS 338-34-5) antibacteriological and antimicrobic product protection blended with the CARBRYN cover compounds.

In view of the most recent ECHA publications relating to TRICLOSAN:
• ECHA BPC 066 2015
• ECHA A 018 2014

We hereby confirm that use of the active ingredient TRICLOSAN has been discontinued for all hose products manufactured after December 2017.

To offer a comparable level of bacteriological and microbical protection TRICLOSAN has been replaced by MICROBAN Z-TECH technology using zinc phyrithione (CAS 13463-41-7) as active ingredient.
CAS 13463-41-7 is not listed under REACH SVHC substances as per date of this document.

Peters Rubber & Plastics BV is currently updating all product specifications and documentation to reflect this change.

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